Kotlin has much more to offer
My goal with KOTLINCOMPACT is to provide you with a compact and as easy as possible introduction to the development with Kotlin, reduced to the essentials.
Due to the wealth of Kotlin’s great features and its active development, I had to omit quite a few details, or even leave out some things completely.
So unfortunately I’ve been unable to explain things like coroutines, Android development, functional programming, DSLs, Java-Script compilation and many more exciting topics.
If you want to learn more, I recommend the following internet addresses:
https://kotlinlang.org - The official homepage of Kotlin is the definitive source of information and a good starting point to find many other resources on the topic.
https://kotlin.link - Community-driven list of awesome Kotlin projects, libraries, books and other resources.
https://kotlin.coach - As KotlinCoach I offer training, consulting and support for Kotlin.
Now I wish you a lot of fun further exploring Kotlin with all its finesse, and sincerely hope I got you off to a good start with KOTLINCOMPACT :-)
Thorsten Schleinzer